The Noguchi Museum

October 23, 2014


It’s about time I add a splash of culture to this collection of my favorite places in NYC. The list is characterized by a distinct overload of restaurants and coffee shops (which makes sense because I am a foodie especially when traveling, and I often find that the best way to discover a city and its neighborhoods is by locating the best places to eat!). But eating out isn’t all we’ve been up to during the past couple of months, and I have been taking advantage of living in a city with some of the most amazing museums in the world. MoMAThe GuggenheimPS1 and The Frick Collection are a few of my favorites so far but unfortunately, these well-attended spots are always difficult to capture photos of (at least when one prefers these to be tourist-free).

The counterpart of the crowded museums of Manhattan is The Nogushi Museum in Queens. Japanese-American artist Isamu Noguchi founded and designed this place in 1985 and in ten galleries and beautiful sculpture garden he features some of his own sculptures and design (I love the concept of creating an entire museum to showcase your own work – brilliant!).

When I visit museums and exhibitions, the architecture, light and surroundings often capture my attention more than the actual works of art. Noguchi’s museum is no exception, and even though his sculptures and design are beautifully done, the rooms they’re exhibited in speak for themselves. Huge windows overlooking the garden, creaking wooden floors, lots of light and a silence that you will not find at many other museums in the city. Feeling inspired by this extraordinary space, I got myself a book in the shop; ‘New York’s 50 best places to find peace and quiet’. I haven’t had time to read it yet, which is kind of ironic, isn’t it?

The Noguchi Museum
9-01 33rd Rd
Long Island City, Queens

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