Grundtvig’s Church

February 25, 2014

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One sunny Monday, I got up early and rode my bike out to the Bispebjerg-area of Copenhagen. This neighbourhood does not have that many sights or attractions, but one place keeps me coming back: Grundtvig’s Church on top of the small hill, Bispebjerg Bakke. This day, I came on a mission to research for a small piece on the church for Cereal Magazine. I sat for a little while with my laptop in the sunlit building and felt really thankful for having the possibly to write for such an amazing magazine (or, their website at least!).  I will let the photos speak for themselves and give you this link where you can read my words and enjoy the amazingly beautiful photos taken by Finn Beales. (The photos is this posts are taken by me – I couldn’t help myself when I saw that beautiful morning light!).

Grundtvig’s Church
På Bjerget 14B, 2400 Kbh. NV

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