Botanical Garden

December 10, 2014

BotanicalGarden kopi 2


There is something magical about botanical gardens, and this one in the center of Copenhagen is no exception. Ever since I went here on an overcast day this Spring to shoot it for an Instagram guide to Copenhagen for Guided by Cereal (some of you might recognize the first photo in this post), I have been meaning to go back and take some photos of the greenhouses from the inside. Yesterday, an opportunity finally arose when I met with Karen, a very sweet journalist and friend of mine. Karen is doing a feature on me for a Berlin based travel site, and when she asked me where we should shoot the photos, I immediately thought of these greenhouses.




The Botanical Garden is a peaceful oasis in the middle of the city. As part of University of Copenhagen, the garden and greenhouses hold the largest collection of living plants in the country and the whole garden with hills and lakes is beautiful year round. The light in here is absolutely stunning, and the greenhouses hold collections of palm trees, cacti, succulents, and many endangered species. To be honest, I don’t know the first thing about botanics, but these surroundings are well worth a visit either way. Karen and I started contemplating the great potential of these glass houses – imagine having a big gathering here with long tables, white table cloths and the setting sun reflected through the windows? That would be pretty amazing. And probably impossible (or crazy expensive, at least).



We had a lot of fun taking photos in here – mostly, she was shooting me; a situation I am not normally that comfortable in.. But the surroundings made for some pretty good shots! If you go here whilst visiting Copenhagen, please note that opening hours are kind of quirky. The garden is open all days until 4pm (winter) and 6pm (summer), but the different greenhouses are only open a couple of days a week – from what I can tell, coming here on a Wednesday at 2pm is ideal!

Botanical Garden 
Øster Farigmagsgade 2B, 1353 Kbh. K

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